Cause: Increased quality

Cause: Increased quality

Aardappelhandel Meijer is a trading, storage and sorting company that has been passed down from father to son since 1954. Leen Meijer is the third generation. “We process consumption potatoes all year round, mainly for export. But we can also supply seed potatoes, chip potatoes and chips potatoes. Our company has storage methods and its own customs depot, so that we can store products from outside the EU”. Since October 2021, Leen has been using 3 QualityGraders that have positively influenced his business operations. “At the beginning of the day you now have the same quality as at the end of the day. With 3 machines we save two employees per day. One operator is needed to adjust and monitor the machines.”

Quote - Leen Meijer

“The QualityGraders
are giving us
ease of mind
which makes us less depender
of temporary workers.”

“The QualityGraders
are giving us
ease of mind
which makes us less depender
of temporary workers.”

Leen Meijer


“Sustainability is also an important factor. We used to reject some batches or we looked for other destinations for them because of their lower quality. But with the help of the QualityGraders we can now process these batches, which makes a valuable contribution to the preventing food waste.” Finally, about the implementation in the processing line: “The installation went well. Our old reading tables had the same dimensions as those of Flikweert Vision. The machines could therefore be installed fairly easily. Of course some adjustments were needed, but you can’t avoid that with a project like this.”

Employees saved per day:


In use since: